Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, or simply Jack Ryan, is an American political action thriller television series, based on characters from the fictional 'Ryanverse' created by Tom Clancy, that premiered on August 31, 2018, on Prime Video.After a successful gig at the Half Note Club, he suddenly gets into an accident that separates his soul from his body and is transported to the You Seminar, a center in which souls develop and gain passions before being transported to a newborn child. Joe Gardner is a middle school teacher with a love for jazz music.First volume of a brilliant new fantasy trilogy: the most powerful, original and absorbing new epic since Stephen Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. Everyone meets in King's Landing to discuss the fate of … 0 00:00. Littlefinger tells Ned he's taking him to meet with Catelyn and leads Ned to one of his whorehouses. You don't get to become HBO's most popular show ever by not being one powerful series. A page for describing Awesome: Game of Thrones.