My question is does any of you know how to make the controls for Animal Crossing City Folk. Controller for Dolphin Emulator Animal Crossing City folk. You also need to map the d-pad to the d-pad. Is it possible to play animal crossing city folk online using wiimfii on dolphin.Ĭity Folk using Dolphin 30 for Mac. I know the title is pretty bad but I didnt know how to word it. The main controller configuration window will appear as seen in the screenshot below. City Folk on the Wii a GameFAQs message board topic titled Controllers supported. City Folk on Dolphin using a Gamecube Controller. I just want to play animal crossing with the boys is it still possible.
My question is does any of you know how to make the controls for Animal Crossing City Folk.Ĭontroller wont controller doesnt respond to mapping in dolphin help Android 119.
City Folk on the Wii a GameFAQs message board topic titled Do you really have to use the wiimote to play this. Tutorial for Vitas on 365 373 finalhe August 27 2019.